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meaningful, sustainable, objective

Vocational Alternatives Inc.

Transferable Skills Analysis

This process seeks to consider one's residual worker traits based primarily on an individual's academic background, level of training, and work experiences to date. Has the person demonstrated any skills or expertise in the past that might support their ability to transition to alternate work? This assessment often goes hand-in-hand with a vocational assessment in order to establish a well-integrated, practical opinion as to where their worker traits might be best applied within today's labour market in keeping with their residual impairments and restrictions.

All services offered by Vocational Alternatives Inc. include the provision of a well documented, custom report for each client. Opinions expressed are clear and concise and endeavour to answer all of your 'questions'.

Get in touch

Questions. Comments. Referrals.


Southern Ontario & Beyond

Whether your client lives within the Greater Toronto Area, Windsor, or Ottawa, VA Inc. offers flexibility to accommodate your assessments needs anywhere in Ontario and Canada.