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meaningful, sustainable, objective

Vocational Alternatives Inc.

Ergonomic Assessments

An ergonomic assessment is an evaluation of the biomechanics of the work environment; or the interplay of the human body with the physical and mechanical components of the workplace. An ergonomic assessment seeks to objectively consider and/or make recommendations as to techniques that might best optimize an individual’s performance, while protecting the health, safety and well-being of the individual involved. Recommendations made in an ergonomic assessment can help employees avoid pain and injuries that may arise from repetitive tasks on-the-job and may also offer insight as to best accommodate an individual return to work following an injury.

All services offered by Vocational Alternatives Inc. include the provision of a custom report for each client. Opinions expressed are clear and concise and endeavour to answer all of your 'questions'.

Get in touch

Questions. Comments. Referrals.


Southern Ontario & Beyond

Whether your client lives within the Greater Toronto Area, Windsor, or Ottawa, VA Inc. offers flexibility to accommodate your assessments needs anywhere in Ontario and Canada.